Monday, November 21, 2005

Praying for Your Pastor

I am reading The Heart of a Servant Leader. This is a book of letters that Jack Miller, the late pastor and founder of World Harvest Mission, wrote to fellow ministers and missionaries over many years. It is very encouraging and I recommend it highly.

Today I came across this passage:
Basically I am convinced that men who do not make praying their first priority in life and ministry should not preach or pastor. As preachers they will be confusing models of a Christian man, and as shepherds they will not show willingness to die for the sheep. Their spirit will inevitably drift in the wrong direction... I do think the chief thing in effective ministry -- as a total endeavor -- is the presence of the Spirit in the man -- changing him through the gospel, breaking down our idols, and building us into the glorious image of Christ.

I need your prayers. Please pray that I will be a man of prayer and that I will be overwhelmed with the greatness of the Gospel in my own soul, so that I might be empowered to lead you to the same end, that God might be glorified in all that we do and that Christ might be treasured above all things!

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