Friday, April 14, 2006

Have you ever been accused of being too "Atonement-centered"?

HERE is a link to an article by Mark Dever, a pastor in Washington, D.C. In this article he addresses the fact that our only hope in this life and for all eternity is that Jesus Christ died on the cross for our sins - thereby rescuing us from eternal death.

There is nothing more important to the Christian that the cross of Jesus Christ. I am writing this on Good Friday. The past two weeks have been very busy for me (as you can tell by the fact that I have ignored this blog completely) - but the fact that we are celebrating Easter this weekend and focusing on the death of Christ TODAY reminds me that all the busyness of life is worth it. I have the privilege of being employed to inform & remind people that they need a Savior and that THERE IS ONE! That is why Good Friday is so GREAT! God became flesh and died in my place simply because He loved me. The agony that He suffered on the cross and the brutality of crucifixion tempt us into thinking that this day should be full of mourning, but Sunday reminds us that His death was not fatal! It is only because of the fact that He died and rose again that we have any hope. He did those things - and that's what makes Good Friday so great.

Mark Dever finishes his article with these words (and I encourage you to follow the link above and read the entire article):
In C. J. Mahaney's new book, Living the Cross Centered Life (Multnomah, 2006), he shares with us his advice to his young son, Chad. "This is what I hold out to my young son as the hope of his life: that Jesus, God's perfect, righteous Son, died in his place for his sins. Jesus took all the punishment; Jesus received all the wrath as he hung on the Cross, so people like Chad and his sinful daddy could be completely forgiven." Like Chad, we would do well to accept our guilt and admire God's grace, to let the Holy Spirit encourage us by the Savior's self-denying love to follow his example, and to savor God's love to us in this almost incredible sacrifice.
Have a Great Friday - and Happy Easter!

[HatTip: Justin Taylor]

1 comment:

Damon Scharff said...

Mitch, no insights in the last month? How am I supposed to grow if you don't feed me?